Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Acai Berry Health And Wellness Properties

The acai berry (ah-sigh-ee) grows in the Amazon Rainforest on acai palm trees and looks like a purple marble or purple grape. The Acaí berry (fruit) is 90% seed pit and 10% acaí pulp and must be carefully handled before it can be consumed. During the process the acaí berries with water are put into a machine and are agitated against one another. This process separates the acaí pulp from the seed to produce a thick acaí fruit pulp puree.

The Acai Berry Health And Wellness Properties

Acaí berry has a unique tropical fruit flavor and provides a high level nutritional benefits. The acaí berry contains high levels of antioxidants also known as anthocyanins. It also contains Omega Fatty Acids (healthy fats), Amino Acids, Fiber, Iron, along with many other vitamins and minerals (Nutritional Value of the Acai Berry and Acai Berry Juice). An amazonian traditional recipe mixes acaí fruit pulp and natural guarana seed, which gives energy and heighten mental clarity that has caffeine like effects when combined with guarana.

Natives living in the Amazon river region in Northern Brazil, have had as part of their diet the acai berry for hundreds of years for it's nutritional value. It's healing and wellness powers are legendary throughout the area. The popularity of the acai berry is starting to spread from Brazil to the rest of the Americas.

Acai Berry has the following nutritional, health and wellness properties:

* Antioxidant
* Antibacterial
* Anti-inflammatory
* Antimutagenic
* Cardiovascular System

Acai berries contain very high amounts of essential fatty acid & omegas proven to lower LDL & maintain HDL cholesterol levels. They also have a remarkable concentration of antioxidants to help combat free radicals and premature aging. Acai Berry is a source of a particular class of flavonoids called anthocyanins. The ORAC value of Acai Berry is higher than any other edible berry in the world! Acai Berry is also an excellent source of dietary fiber!

Acai is extremely rich in organic vegetable protein which does not generate cholesterolduring its digestion and is easier processed and transported to your muscles than animal protein(such as in milk or meat). Besides its outstanding content of protein and unsaturatedlipids, acai is also rich in carbohydrates which provide your body with the necessaryenergy while working or practicing any kind of sport. That is why acai is served in most gyms,sport clubs and beaches all over Brazil.

According to medical research studies conducted on the acai berries, and cited below, their analysis reveals:

An amazingly high concentration levels of antioxidants contributed to combating premature aging.The proanthocyanidine contents in Acai Berries are 10 to 30 times the anthocyanins (these are the purple colored antioxidants) of red wine per volume.

(1)Although the French have a high fat diet, they have a low incidence of cardio vascular disease compared to the western countries. They contribute this factor to their consumption of red wine. (5)Acai Berries can help a promote a healthier cardio vascular system and digestive tract, because of its synergy of monounsaturated (these are the healthily) fats, dietary fiber and phytosterols.

An excellent source of fiber! There are approximately 2 grams of dietary fiber in our Açaí Energy Mix. Fiber promotes a healthy digestive system. Research studies suggests soluble fibers may help lower blood cholesterol The insoluble fiber may help to reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancers.

(5)Essential amino acid complex along with trace minerals, which are vital for proper muscle contraction and regeneration.Aside from the energy and fluid replacement, Acai Berries provide a nutrition profile complete with vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids (omega 3, 6 and 9).
The fatty acid ratio in Acai resembles that of olive oil. Studies suggest this is a contributing factor to the low incidence of heart disease in Mediterranean populations.

The Acai Berry Health And Wellness Properties

(1,5)Acai Berries contain plant sterols including beta-sitosterol. Today, sterols are being used to treat associated benign prostate dyperplasia. (6) These plant sterols have also been shown to help control cholesterol as well as act as precursors to many important substances produced by the body.

(7)Acai: The Amazon Acai BerryWith 10 times the antioxidants of grapes and twice the antioxidants of blueberries, the Brazilian Acai berry (AH-sci-EE) is considered to have the best nutritional value of any fruit on earth.

Nutritional Chemistry
* Polyphenols: 16 (14 - 212 mg/L)* Anthocyanidins: Thirty times the amount in red wine.* Phytosterols* Monounsaturated (healthy) fats (fatty acid ratio resembling olive oil): including essential omega fatty acids: Oleic (omega 9)* Polyunsaturated fatty acids: Linoleic (omega 6)* Alpha-tocopherol: natural Vitamin E* Trace minerals: copper, iron, calcium, cobalt, chromium and manganese* Dietary Fiber: 7 grams / 100 grams* Protein: amino acid profile similar to* Low glycemic index

Content per 100 grams of Acai:
* Acid: 0.13%* Brix: 45.90 g* Protein: 6%* Fiber: 16.9g* Niacin: 0.40mg* Phosphorous: 58mg* Iran: 11.8mg* Vitamin B1: 0.36mg* Vitamin B2: 0.01mg* Calcium: 9mg* Vitamin C: 9mg* ph: 5.21* Calories: 247

OMEGA FATTY ACIDS;(Omega 9, Omega 6, and Omega 3). These mono-saturatedessential fatty acids help lower LDL (harmful cholesterol) while maintaining HDL (beneficialcholesterol). This unique ratio resembles the same combination as olive oil. Omega fatty acids combat heart disease by increasing healthy cell development. Omega fatty acids are essential for healthy nervous system development and regeneration. They help rapidly repair and rejuvenate muscles after intense exercise.

AMINO ACIDS; the Acai berry contains an almost perfect essential amino acid complex. This is vital for proper muscle contraction and regeneration, and for endurance, strength, sustained energy and muscle development.
NATURAL VITAMIN E; to protect against aging.
THEOBROMINE; acts as a bronchial dilator to help open air passage ways in the lungs. This increased air capacity helps in oxygen intake, which increases endurance, strength, and athletic performance.

PHOTOSTEROLS; These complex compounds of plant cell membranes are used to treat symptoms associated with BPH, (benign prostate hyperplasia). Photosterols also help promote a healthy cardiovascular system and contributes to a healthy digestive tract.
ANTI-OXIDANTS; Acai is rich in antocyanins, an essential anti-oxidizer that helps combat premature aging. In fact, acai has 10 –30 times more anthocyanins (purple colored anti-oxidants) that a glass of red wine.

Works Cited
1.Rogez H. Acai: Preparo, ComposiÁao, e Melhormento da ConveraÁao. Belem: EDUFPA; 2000.
2. Seager S, Slabaugh M. Chemistry for Today: General Organic and Biochemistry-4th ed. California.
3. Wardlaw G, Insel P. Perspectives in Nutrition – 2nd ed. Saint Louis: Masby – Year Book, Inc; 1990.
4. Sillberberg S. Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of matter and Change – 2nd ed. USA: McGraw-Hill; 2000. 1086p.
5. Cook-Fuller C, editor. Annual Editions Nutrition 00/01 – 12th ed. Connecticut: Dushkin/McGraw Hill; 2000.
6. Berges B, et al. Randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial of beta-sitosterol in patientswith benign prostatic hyperplasia. Lancet 345: 1529–1532, 1995.
7. Pegel K. The importance of sitosterol and sitosterolin in human and animal nutrition.S African J Science. 93, 263 –268, 1997.
8. Miura T, et al. Effect of guarana on exercise in normal and epinephrine-induced glycogenolytic mice.Biol Pharm Bull. 1998 Jun;21(6):646-8.
9. Henman AR. Guaran· (Paullinia cupana var. sorbilis):Ecological and social perspectives on an economic plant of the central Amazon basin. J. Ethnopharmacol,1982 Nov.
10 Duke JA. CRC Handbook of Medicinal Herbs. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1985, 349
11 Amazon Thunder
Acai Berry Select

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Pain And Frustration Of Chronic Sinus Infections

Chronic sinus infections can be truly debilitating. A good description for sinusitis could be hundreds of feet underwater without a diving helmet. The swelling, congestion, pain, headache, and overall misery of a sinus attack. Many people suffer with sinusitis for years because they and their doctors can never identify precisely what's causing the problem and/or they don't take sufficient care to avoid repeated attacks. Unfortunately for some people, sinusitis can be helped only by surgery. But for most people, simple natural measures will help prevent recurrent attacks.

The sinus cavities, which take up about a third of the skull, are believed to be a sort of air-control system for the lungs. Air is brought into the Sinus cavities, cleaned of dust and harmful bacteria by the cilia and mucus of the nasal passages, humidified, and then sent to the lungs. Because the single exit from the sinus cavities is tiny, only about as wide as the lead in a pencil, it's relatively easy to clog it. When mucus becomes thick, either in response to a cold or an allergic reaction, the single exit from the sinus cavity becomes blocked and the mucus builds up. The sinus cavity is the perfect place for bacteria to thrive, and thrive they do until you have a full-blown, painful, congested sinus. You can confirm that your problem is your sinus rather than a headache by bending over: If it's a sinus, you'll feel a painful throbbing; if not, you'll feel no change.

Sometimes people will get a sinus infection as the result of a cold, suffer awhile, take some medication, and be better in a few days. But those who are really troubled by sinus infections get them chronically. Patients complain to me that they seem to have a constant "cold" or that they have six or more "colds" a year. This is always a signal to investigate chronic sinusitis.

If you have what you think is a sinus infection with a thick yellowish green discharge, head congestion, and pain, you should see your doctor. You'll probably need to take an antibiotic to get rid of the infection so the sinus can drain. If the infection is so resistant that after a few courses of different antibiotics it still won't clear up, you might be a candidate for surgery to correct a deformity of the nasal cavity.

If there's nothing anatomically wrong with your nose, it's time to take measures to head off the infections before they begin: They're really easier to prevent than cure. Your main goal is going to be to keep tile nasal mucus thin and free-flowing so it doesn't breed infection.

The first step--a simple one that really work--is to drink a lot of fluids. You should do this all day long but particularly when you are recovering from a cold, when you're under stress, and when you feel beginning to clog. Force yourself to drink six to eight glasses water daily. My patients find it helpful to keep a bottle of mineral seltzer at hand all day and to sip from it constantly. The additional liquid will help keep the mucus flowing. Hot beverages--herbal teas, and soups--are especially good. It might sound odd, but it's helpful to lower your nose to a hot drink and take a deep breath. This will help keep your nasal passages open.

Humidity is very important. The more moist the air, the more efficient nasal cilia and the more liquid the mucus. Use a cool-mist humidifier, lean your head over a sink filled with hot water, tent a towel over and breathe deeply.

Moist heat helps, too. Try resting a towel or washcloth that has been out with hot water over your face for a few minutes. It can stimulate blood circulation, loosen mucus, and relieve pain.
Pressure on the sides of your nose can also relieve pain. Press the top nose on either side between two fingers for a few minutes and release. Do this a few times a day to relieve pain and stimulate the production of mucus.

Many people develop sinusitis as a result of an allergen--typically a food or an inhalant--and in response their mucosal passages swell. The becomes thick, and the result is sinusitis. Many of my patients found relief when they identified their allergies. In my experience, products are often responsible for sinus problems, but many foods be a problem. Inhalants that can cause problems include mold and some people are even allergic to cockroaches.

Don't forget that a cold can be the first step in developing a sinus infection; take every measure possible to avoid colds. See Colds.

Avoid antihistamines, as they dry nasal secretion and can ultimately make you more congested.
Vitamin A and vitamin C can help with a sinus infection. Vitamin A thins the mucus nad promotes thre growth of healthy mucus-promoting cells. It also strengthens the immune system.

Drink plenty of fluids, particularly during a cold or times of high stress. Drink six to eight glasses of water daily. Hot beverages such as herbal tea, broths, and soups can be substituted.

Humidify your environment. Use a cool-mist humidifier at home (especially in your bedroom) and in your workplace. When you're suffering from symptoms, take hot showers and hot baths. Tent a towel over your head and inhale deeply above a sink filled with hot water a few times a day.

Use warm compresses on your nose and eyes to relieve pain.

Use pressure to relieve pain and stimulate circulation: Press the top of your nose on either side between two fingers for a few minutes and then release. Do this several times a day.

Investigate the possibility of either food or inhalant allergy.
Colds can bigger sinus infections; do your best to avoid them.

Eliminate the pain and frustration of your sinus infections.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dealing With A Sinus Headache?

Headaches can be brought by many different reasons. A Sinus headache is one of the many kinds of headaches which is often associated with sinusitis or sinus infection.

An inflamed sinus blocked the nasal passage ...which triggers the headache.

The pain is located in the center of the face which is differentiated into maxillary, ethmoid, frontal and sphenoid. These four sinuses are located in the center of our faces and this is the reason why people experience headache if they have sinusitis.

The sinus headache is frequently mistaken from migraine. According to some studies, a high percent of those who were diagnosed with sinus headache have migraines in the first place. A sinus headache may exacerbate if pressure is applied on the sinuses. Once your sinus is inflamed, your breathing is not the only one being affected but the normal draining passage is being blocked as well. The trapped drainage is creating a pressure which in turn causes the headache and the headache will be getting worse if you will be continuously exposed to irritants such as perfumes, allergen and smoking. So how does sinus headache happen?

There are numerous causative agents. To start with, the cause of headache is quite difficult to identify. What are the symptoms of sinus inflamation except from headache? It is important for us to know these things in order for us to identify the type of headache we are experiencing.

An individual who is experiencing sinusitis is complaining of pressure around the eyes area which radiates to the cheeks and forehead. Also you can be experiencing nasal stuffiness, swelling of the face and fever with chills, nasal discharge of color yellow or green may be present.

It is important to remember that these symptoms are also similar with other diseases such as those who have an upper respiratory tract infection. The best way to diagnose sinusitis is to perform an endoscopy wherein the doctor will look inside your nose using the endoscope device.

Sinus infections are often caused by bacteria such as the streptococcus aureus, haemophilus influenzae and the moraxella catarrhalis. It is important to be treated as soon as possible to prevent further complications. Usually the treatment of choice for sinus infections with sinus headache is the antibiotics.

If you are having difficulty breathing, a decongestant or vaporizers can be used to thin the mucus and aid in breathing. But I have to let you know that not all people who have sinusitis can use the decongestant. People who have a problem with their hearts are contraindicated to use it.The reason behind it is because it has an adrenaline power which will increase your pulse rate and blood pressure which in turn will put you in great risk.

If you are experiencing a sinus headache, you can find the remedy to get rid of that pain.