Sunday, September 6, 2009

How does Bacteria Affect the Sinuses

When there are new types of bacteria present in these areas though or some of the bacteria sticks to the lining of the walls then you can develop an infection that leads to inflammation. If the inflammation is not resolved, sinus infection is inevitable.

If that bacteria isn’t removed then the situation will continue to get worse. This is why individuals with continually sinus problems need to be referred from their primary doctor to a specialist.

Preventing Sinus Problems

There are steps you can take to help prevent and reduce sinus problems. Keeping your body healthy is the place to start. Get routine checkups and pay attention to signs your body gives you that things aren’t right.

Eat a well balanced diet too so that your body gets the vitamins and nutrients that it needs. Daily exercise is important as well so get at least 30 minutes in.

It is a good idea to get a flu shot annually as well. This will help ensure your immune system stays as healthy as possible. As a result it will reduce the chances of bacteria being able to linger in the sinus passages.

Preventing viruses is important too. One of the best ways to do that is to get into the habit of washing your hands many times each day.

Getting enough sleep is important too. When your body is well rested it will be able to fight off a variety of things easier.

You need to do your best to keep levels of stress very low as well. A combination of better rest and reduced stress will help to make your immune system stronger. For more click here

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